Author Archives: admin2

To Roll or Not to Roll

Foam rolling or also called self myofascial release is getting popular in fitness, exercise therapy and manual therapies. It is claimed to be an effective complement to massage, trigger point treatments, and also for stretching & increasing ROM. As many would then say “More research is needed to know its effects.” There are several skeptics […]

Homo elasticus: The catapult effect of throwing

Humans are the only species that are able to throw objects incredibly fast and with great accuracy. Darwin noted that the unique throwing abilities of humans, which were made possible when bipedalism emancipated the arms, enabled foragers to hunt effectively using projectiles. Researchers from George Washington University and Harvard University, led by Neil Roach investigated […]

Massage and Body Image

Body image or the conscious sense of our body, is our perception of and beliefs about our own body’s appearance. Or simply the feeling we have of our own body. Constructed by the brain from past experience and present sensations, the body image is a mental representation of our physical appearance, and is a fundamental […]

Pseudoscience and Pseudoskeptic

Early knowledge on massage therapy has been mostly based on what therapists observed or experienced. As with other health disciplines, early therapists present their hypothesis based on what they believed is happening. Nothing scientific, but some become myths that are still being passed on. For example, massage can expel toxins out of the body. It […]

Fascia and Reflexology

Fascia, as we all now know, is a seamless web of connective tissue that covers, connects, and holds the muscles, organs, and skeletal structures in our body. Fascia envelopes every structure in the body, each nerve, bone, muscle, organ of the body is surrounded by fascia.  Fascia can be found superficially and deep within our […]

Brief psychosocial education reduced the incidence of low back pain?

Can a brief psychosocial education reduce the incidence of low back pain?By Terra Rosa A paper published in BMC Medicine in 2011 “Brief psychosocial education, not core stabilization, reduced incidence of low back pain: results from the Prevention of Low Back Pain in the Military (POLM) cluster randomized trial” has made a bit of headline […]

Static Stretch doesn't enhance Sports Performance

Researchers recently have discovered, this so-called static stretching can lessen jumpers’ heights and sprinters’ speeds, without substantially reducing people’s chances of hurting themselves. Now, two new studies are giving us additional reasons not to stretch. One, a study being published April in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, concluded that if you stretch before […]