Oftentimes, workshops go over so many different topics and techniques that we leave feeling overwhelmed. That’s why we created the Jam series; we wanted to keep these workshops hyper-focused so that you leave feeling empowered and inspired. We’ve gathered an all-star cast of industry leaders to facilitate these workshops TOGETHER – no need to attend 10 different workshops to learn 10 different techniques! Register for Shoulder Jam today to take your knowledge of the shoulder to the next level.
Shoulder Jam brings 10 International instructors to tackle how to work with the shoulder: Til Luchau, Aubrey Gowing (Myoskeletal Alignment Technique), Allison “Rebel” Denney, Nathalie Cecilia, James Waslaski, Paul Kelly, Alison Kavanagh, Ohashi, and Whitney Lowe.
Never before 10 international presenters in a single webinar.
Day One Til Luchau and QUIZ AT END
Day One Aubrey and Allison QUIZ AT END
Final Q and A Day ONE
Day Two Allison Denney Rebel Massage QUIZ AT END
Day Two James Waslaski QUIZ AT END
Day Two Robert Libbey QUIZ AT END
Day Two Final Q& A Wrap up
Day Three Whitney Lowe QUIZ AT END
Day Three Judith Aston QUIZ AT END
Day Three Finall Q & A
Day Four Ohashi QUIZ AT END
Day Four Nathalie QUIZ AT END
Final Q & A Dance
Day Five Paul Kelly QUIZ AT END
Day Five Q & A and Tribute to Judith Aston
Shoulder Jam Song by the Rebel