This DVD shows 16 specific Polarity bodywork sessions, using techniques based on the five elements and three principles of Polarity Therapy. Learn how to evaluate each client to give them a unique treatment that will target specifically what they need. Mary Sullivan, and her 30 years of teaching experience will bring your bodywork to a new level using these effective and transformative techniques. These techniques can be light, deep, or include motion- depending on the client. This DVD brings together what was previously two seperate videos, The Five Elements and The Three Principles, uniting them into one powerful treatment protocol. This is a great value with 2 hours of massage techniques!
This beautiful DVD you will learn the 5 principles and 3 elements of Polarity Therapy. The first part includes how to evaluate the five elements and how they relate to a client’s emotional, mental and physical state. Next you will learn about the 3 currents of energy, and how to tell if your client’s energy flow is blocked. Finally you will be led through 13 individual sessions to balance your client’s specific needs.
Polarity recognizes a bipolar energy current in the body, therapist can balance this energy using both hands, the right hand is positive, and the left negative. The second part explores the three principles of Polarity Therapy- The Feminine, Masculine and Etheric principles. Mary will show you how to evaluate each principle in your client, and then how to balance your client using the 5 pointed star, 6 pointed star and the Polarity joint session. Many conditions are covered, including arthritis, stress, gynecological issues as well as back, neck and hip pain. Mary also shows exercises that your clients can perform themselves.
DVD Contents
5 Elements
This part is divided into 6 steps
Step 1. Understand the polarity philosophy.
In this step Mary Sullivan describes the philosophy of polarity therapy, and how polarity therapy ties into our life’s purpose.
Step 2. Think about the body in terms of elements
In this section Mary lays down the fundamentals of Polarity Therapy. This means starting to think about the body in terms of energetic elemental forces.
Step 3.Evaluate you client
In this section Mary talks about how to evaluate you client. This includes taking a history, asking them their astrological sign, and being aware of the clients mental and emotional state.
Step 4. Choose an element to work on
Here Mary goes into detail on each element. She discusses the area of the body that each element relates to, and the emotions and astrological sign that each element is connected to.
Step 5. Pulse evaluation- choose an energy current
Here Mary talks about the 3 energy currents- the bipolar, transverse and umbilical energy current. She shows how to use an easy pulse diagnosis technique to discover what energy current is blocked.
Step 6. Do the work
At this point you have chosen the element and energy current to work on, and these two pieces of information lead to a specific treatment. This section shows 13 different routines based in the combination of the 5 elements and the 3 energy currents. These treatments range from light energy work, to activating and stimulating massage, to deep penetrating pressure.
3 Principles
Introduction to the 3 principles and the Caduceus
The Feminine Principle
Feminine principle imbalances- physical dysfunction and emotional components
5 pointed star techniques: Light touch energy work
Working the lines of force in a energizing way
Releasing the Psoas
Releasing the Shoulder
Releasing the Diaphragm Working the Neck
The Masculine Principle
Masculine Principle imbalances- physical dysfunction and emotional components
6 pointed star techniques: Working the sacrum
Working the Neck Heel reflex points
Energizing work along the 6 pointed star lines of force
Penetrating work along the 6 pointed star lines of force
Light touch energy work along the spine
The Etheric Principle
Etheric principle imbalances- physical and emotional components
The joint session: Balancing each joint in the body using light touch energy work
Massage Today Review:
The first thing that catches my eyes about Mary Sullivan’s Polarity Therapy videos are the beautiful covers. If a picture says a thousand words then the covers, which are illustrated with flowers inside of which one sees Mary’s hands doing Polarity, are like a novel. I then opened the videos to find a wonderfully illustrated instructional post card sized insert summarizing her video lessons for better learning.
The first part I viewed was on the three principles of Polarity Therapy. Mary goes through each principle in a organized way and demonstrates Polarity energy work based on her assessment of each principle. The second part covers the five elements; Ether , air, water, fire and earth. Mary demonstrates a series of Polarity energy manipulations for each element. Her energy touch work is based on her evaluation of pulses to determine whether she should be Satvic, Tamasic, or Rajasic in her approach to each element. Where she touches is based on Dr. Stones’ astrological triads and their relationship to the elements. For example she demonstrates stvic earth work at the neck (Taurus), Bowels (Virgo), and Knees (Capricorn).
Overall I found the videos a very well presented contribution to Polarity Therapy learning. It is clear that Mary Sullivan, R.P.P. is a senior practitioner of Polarity. The shots of her hands performing Polarity moves are excellent. All Polarity practitioners can benefit from learning pulses and this video is a great opportunity to lean the basis of pulse evaluation.
In summary Mary Sullivan has created two wonderful educational Polarity videos. I would recommend these videos to all serious students of Polarity. They are well done and a great contribution to our profession. Whoever sees them will get a good impression of Polarity Therapy as well as learning something about how we approach healing.
About The Instructor
Mary Sullivan has over 25 years of bodywork experience. She has practiced Polarity Therapy since 1977. She has a Master degree in Counseling Psychology, residential training at Fall River Mills with the Alive Polarity Foundation, and a degree from the Santa Barbara College of Oriental Medicine. She is a Cranial Therapist, Polarity Practitioner, Licensed Acupuncturist & Massage Therapist. She teaches classes in Polarity Therapy, Cranial-Sacral Therapy, Lymphatic Drainage, Chi Nei Tsang and Women’s Cycles. She maintains a private practice in Santa Barbara, CA. She is also the instructor of Cranial Sacral Therapy DVD.