This four hour DVD covers 21 assessment techniques for the nerves and surrounding structures of the back, pelvis, and legs. It contains detailed assessment for nerve tension tests. Filled with 65 techniques with covering: Sciatic, Tibial, Peroneal and Sural nerves.
The advanced nerve tension tests will allow the therapist to precisely evaluate the sciatic, tibial, peroneal, and sural nerves to discover exactly where they are impinged. Then Doug Alexander will lead you through over 32 techniques to release the structures involved. These include myofascial release techniques, fluid (lymphatic) techniques, and muscle release techniques as well as direct nerve gliding and stretching. Each technique is designed to free restrictions along the path of the nerve and normalize tissue function from the hip to the foot. Finally Doug shows 12 home care exercises that the client can do to help support their recovery.
Excellent quality, Excellent value for money, Invaluable learning resource, Awesome Animated Graphics, Best nerve treatment DVD I have ever seen
Overall Rating ***** A must see, highly recommended! The 3D still and animated anatomy graphics are simply awesome and it is jam packed with over 4 hours of assessment and treatment techniques covering the lower back, hip and pelvis and the sciatic nerve along its entire course. For over 4 hours of high quality video instruction, this represents extremely good value for money.
Who would benefit from this DVD? Any therapist who treats lower back pain within their clinic and, in particular, clients who present with sciatic-type symptoms. Which, I guess, probably means all of us! AMT – In Good Hands, Reviewed by Tyraus Farrelly
About the instructor
Doug Alexander, BSc, RMT, has been studying and practicing massage therapy for over 20 years. He is the founder of The Journal of Soft Tissue Manipulation and has published over 30 papers in the massage literature. Doug brings a solid academic, kinesthetic and heart centered focus to the study of Massage Therapy. Doug has represented the profession at the University of Western Ontario’s review of Whiplash Associated Disorders and at the American Massage Therapy’s Research Foundation’s Research Think Tank.