A continuation of Beginning Myofascial Release, this DVD explores advanced techniques to balance each area of the body. This DVD will show you how to evaluate postural distortions, and use Myofascial Release to bring the body into balance. Also learn to use other techniques such as the Rebound technique, Cross fibre friction, forearm strokes, and Muscle Energy Technique in the context of a Myofascial treatment.
This 77 mins DVD is divided into eight lessons that include:
- Postural analysis from the front
- Postural analysis from the side
- Releasing the rib cage
- Balancing the feet
- Leveling the hips
- Freeing the back
- Releasing the shoulder
- Loosening the neck: vertebral artery test, myofascial release for anterior and posterior cervical musculature, oriented toward the patient with whiplash or neck pain.
- Freeing the jaw and TMJ. Included are techniques for the masseter, temporalis, pterygoids and cranial musculature.
- Loosening the scalp
These videos are packed with great tools you can mix into your practice as adjuncts to the adjustment. Presented in small bites and easily grasped, you will be able to use and review these techniques immediately in your practice. Dynamic Chiropractic, Dr. Kintish’s rating: 10 out of 10.