This 2 DVD set shows the complete instructor demonstrations from the popular Advanced Myofascial Techniques for treating Scoliosis.
Learn highly effective Advanced Myofascial Techniques that will dramatically improve your ability to work with conditions such as:
• scoliosis
• movement restrictions of the trunk
• rib, spine, and thoracic pain; and more.
Covers 26 techniques and assessments, including supplemental techniques not shown in live courses.
Includes free access to online PDF Course Notebook, illustrating each technique with clear photographs, detailed annotations, and key points.
About this series: Filmed at actual Rolf Institute®-associated* trainings, these edited DVDs include live student questions, multiple camera angles, instructor explanations that convey the immediacy of an actual class, and the essential elements of each technique in a way that studio-produced DVDs may not.
Total running time approx. 3 Hours