This 2 DVD set shows the complete instructor demonstrations from the popular Advanced Myofascial Techniques presents a simple “grand unified theory” of intra-segmental pelvic dynamics, ligament function, and pain perception that will help you address:
• Pain involving the SI joints, low back, and pelvis
• Hip and gait issues
• Scoliosis
• Sciatic pain
• and much more.
Filmed especially for this format, these best-selling videos show effective hands-on myofascial tools, assessments, and techniques that address common client complaints. Each course includes instructor demonstrations, explanations, student questions, and technique variations. Since their original release, the Advanced Myofascial Techniques videos have become classic reference, teaching, and study resources, purchased and used by tens of thousands of hands-on practitioners around the world, in clinics, universities, private practices, sports centers, and spas offering physical therapy, sports rehabilitation, orthopedics, massage therapy, and more. The techniques and protocols are designed to be used on their own, or combined with myofascial release, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, structural integration and Rolfing®*, ashiatsu, acupuncture, neuromuscular therapy, medical massage, orthopedic massage, fascial release, and more.
Total running time approx. 2 1/4 Hours