This book analyzes in depth the theoretical aspects related to fascia and focuses on the therapeutic procedures of Myofascial Induction Therapy for the upper body. This hardback book is 620 pages with 580 color drawings and photographs.
This book is divided into two parts:
Part 1 – The Science and Principles of Myofascial Induction and
Part 2 – Practical Applications of Myofascial Induction – the Upper Body.
Part 1 defines the fascia as a complex biological system before discussing its multiple characteristics. It includes an in-depth description of fascial topographical anatomy, its layers and architecture. It then explores embryological development, histological characteristics, neurodynamics and the role of force transmission relating to the fascia.
Part 2 is the practical part. Here the reader will find a wide range of manual therapeutic procedures which can be selected and used to build up the MIT treatments. These processes are explained in detail and are richly illustrated, in full color, with diagrams and photographs of their practical application in the body and in the treated samples of dissected tissues.
Each chapter opens with an introduction offering to the reader some philosophical background as a reminder that philosophy allows us to relate the strictly scientific with the empirical. Praxis and empiricism are the basis of science.
The author invites you to join the scientific fascial adventure that allows us to uncover areas of knowledge which may have been forgotten or which are not yet recognized as being related and which might still reveal relevant information. Once discovered, these facts can help us to better understand the kinesis of our body and so help the individual to change their body image and to improve their quality of life.
“If you wish to expand your knowledge of the anatomical approach to the treatment of fascial dysfunction Myofascial Induction™: An anatomical approach to the treatment of fascial dysfunction will be a very welcome addition to your collection.” Prof. Andry Vleeming
Author Andrzej Pilat is a physiotherapist and specialist in manual therapy. Creator of the Myofascial Induction approach. Lecturer on postgraduate and master degree programs in numerous universities in Spain and other European countries as well as in Central and South America. Author of the book Myofascial Induction, and co-author of books and papers on manual therapy published in Britain, Spain, Italy and the USA. Director of the Tupimek School of Myofascial Therapies, Madrid, Spain. Dr Andrzej Pilat has undertaken pioneering research on fascial anatomy using non-embalmed cadaver dissections and has used his expertise as a photographer to capture the inner beauty of the body in pictures.
“Andrzej Pilat, is indeed a very rare exception to the common disparity described here. I consider him one of the best manual therapists I know, and I do not
say that lightly. When I see Andrzej at work, I feel as if I am watching a master artist, like Michelangelo as a painter or like a Butoh dancer in slow motion. But the
most impressive aspect for me is his connection with the client: Both seem to be united in a joyful and almost hypnotic process of discovery.” Robert Schleip
when Andrzej describes his work in terms of suggested fascia changes, I feel like asking all my students to join me in listening to him with eager attention. The way he weaves together various findings and issues of the latest international research is truly outstanding.