In this book Luigi Stecco explains why the human musculoskeletal system can impact the internal organs, and introduces a clear pathway to address visceral dysfunctions. Provision of an adequate living space for internal organs will guarantee proper functioning. The internal fasciae anatomy, both physiological and pathological, is integrated with that of the autonomic nervous system, creating a concept that stands out with simplicity, clarity and logic.
This text presents the manual approach used in Fascial Manipulation for Internal Dysfunctions and, in particular, the modality for interacting with the autonomic nervous system.
This book comprehensively explores the various aspects of fascia, highlighting its unique ability to alter its consistency or plasticity in response to stress, while also demonstrating its capacity to regain elasticity or malleability through manipulation. Fascia is the only tissue in the human body that exhibits such properties.
The internal fasciae functions include supporting the organs, providing the correct living space, isolating them from the surrounding organs and at the same time connecting them with others and ultimately the delicate task of managing the connection to the human musculoskeletal system. The internal fasciae biomechanical model introduced by Luigi Stecco, gives for the first time a unitary vision of the internal fasciae and their role in physiology and pathology of the internal organs.
Luigi Stecco shifts the focus of therapy from the organ itself to its surrounding container, allowing treatment to recreate a suitable environment for the organ and its physiological rhythms. The concept of the tensile structures explains how different trunk cavities can interact with the internal organs. The internal fasciae anatomy, both physiological and pathological, is integrated with that of the autonomic nervous system, creating a concept that stands out with simplicity, clarity and logic
The book is divided into two parts, with the first part discussing organ-fascial units and their evolution, embryology, anatomy, and physiology. The second part covers practical manual apparatus-fascial sequences, including assessment and treatment charts for different tensile structures such as the cervical and thoracic structures, as well as the digestive, circulatory, cephalic, hematopoietic, and chemoreceptor apparatuses. The book also includes a conclusion and references.