Performing an assessment before a massage session while the client is standing is the optimal way to evaluate your client, reach an agreement and create a treatment plan. If a standing assessment doesn’t happen, here are some quick and easy assessment techniques you can perform while the client is on the table in a prone position. […]
Category Archives: Articles
The Hand-L Massage Tool, By Bob McAtee, LMT A recent blog post on the Terra Rosa website noted that massage tools “can help enhance the therapeutic effects of a treatment, and tools can also help therapists, preventing them from fatigue and injury. The highest risk for a massage therapist is mainly wrist, fingers, and thumbs injuries. […]
John Sharkey brings more than thirty years of bodywork experience to his dynamic workshops in Sydney which are filled with new ideas and new take away hands-on practical demonstrations. John has been privileged to work with a number of the world’s most respected icons in the bodywork profession and exercise science fields including David Goodman […]
Thai Massage by Richard Gold How It Started In Thailand, what is known in the Western world as Thai massage is known as Nuad Bo’Rarn. Nuad is a Thai word that translates as, “to touch with the intention of imparting healing.” Bo’Rarn is a word derived from ancient Sanskrit; it translates as, “something which is […]
Easy Assessment for Massage Therapist By Sean Riehl, LMT Only a small fraction of massage therapists use any assessment testing in their practice. Although most massage training includes some type of kinesiology and assessment tests, therapists quickly forget this information and rely only on their touch. Touch is powerful, and because of this, most therapists don’t find […]
In the book “The Mind Has a Body of Its Own”1, authors Sarah and Matthew Blakeslee described marvelously how the brain maps the body. The brain contains maps of every point in our body, as well as the space around the body. An important theme of the book is that body maps in the […]
Muscle Energy Techniques for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome by Tom Ockler I had an interesting patient come through my door today. She was a 41-year-old mother of two, referred to me by an acupuncturist who frequently uses me when she is stumped. The initial diagnosis was TOS (thoracic outlet syndrome) with symptoms worse on the right […]
Muscle Energy Techniques for the Pelvis by Tom Ockler, PT I am often asked by patients and therapists alike, why I start at the pelvis when evaluating and treating a patient, even if their chief complaint is elsewhere, like the neck or shoulder. I explain that the body is like a house and a house sits on […]
Contributions by: Rick Goggins, Richard Gold, Robert Granter, Joe Muscolino, Greg Polins, Thomas Zudrell An Irish bodyworker once said that Aussie therapists are very fond of tools. Not sure how true it is, but certainly some therapists like to use tools in massage and bodywork. Tools can help and enhance the therapeutic effects of a […]
Tom, can you briefly explain what is MET? What is the difference with stretching. MET stands for Muscle Energy Technique. It is an Os- teopathic-based method that does not use manipulation to correct asymmetry and hypo-mobilities in the body. Since it relies on the muscle spindles, it actually has advantages over stretching because it is theorized to […]
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